The origin of the Group: 1950 in Albelda de Iregua, a small town located in northern Spain in the region of La Rioja and which offered an ideal location for the supply of raw materials.
We make healthy food
Rafael González Business Group champions companies dedicated to the production of healthy, nutritious and sustainable foods obtained from agriculture worldwide and our country's rivers.

RiverFresh was born in 2008 with the intention of covering the growing demand of salmonids in European markets. We are currently one of the largest producers of rainbow trout in the national/sector.

Végola is our new image after the corporate reorganization in 2016 of our vegetable canned line. At his back +60 years working with industrial partners and +30 years working with the main world retailers and their own brands.
EXPANSION: the Group's expansion began in 1987 with the acquisition of Conservas Franco-Riojanas, S.A., a company engaging in the sale of products for large retail chains and food services.
The project, after which it is named, was launched by a French partner who instilled knowledge and passion for the pickled and salad products so characteristic of northern European cultures.
In 1996, the Group acquired a 100% stake in Franco-Riojanas.
Internationalization: The globalization of markets prompted the company to launch an internalization strategy in 2003 with the creation of the company Indo-Spanish Tasty Foods Ltd. based in Bangalore, southern India.
This strategy allowed the group to, on the one hand, continue its international expansion and increase supply security and price stability for its customers and, on the other, ensure the traceability and quality that make the group a leader in the pickled products market.
In 2008, the acquisition of RiverFresh Iregua SLU was the Group's first DIVERSIFICATION project, which, in line with its philosophy, promoted this business with the intention of participating actively in the new aquaculture revolution.
In 2016, the holding company Rafael González Business Group S.L. was set up. This new company brings together all the companies within the group and acts as a corporate structure that provides dynamic support to promote our “BEYOND FOOD” philosophy for sustainable and healthy businesses for a better world.
In 2017, the Group launched its agricultural development project in Benin, Africa with two clear strategic objectives: improve service and global positioning for our customers; and increase the company's participation in global sustainability and rural impact in more disadvantaged areas.
In 2018, the company will be launching its new corporate image, which will allow it to communicate its past, present and future work more accurately. It is an adaptation to the times in a manner that faithfully reflects who we are after these 60+ years. As a result, the Group's four companies dedicated to vegetable preserves are grouped under the name of VéGOLA.

Today, more than ever, companies need to innovate if they want to maintain their competitive advantage in such a fast-moving market. We live in a time when the only constant is change.
For this reason, in 2018, we will inaugurate our "VéGOLA INNOVA" centre in Spain, where we will try to anticipate product and packaging improvements that meet the new lifestyle needs of our customers, but which also bring improvements to all processes that benefit the entire value chain. These improvements are sometimes invisible to our customers but are the fruit of many years' or months' work on changes and studies. We hope this new centre will inspire us to continue adapting even better to everything that the world demands of us today.